About hairdye101

I am a Vietnamese girl, who crazy about hair dye and everything come along with it. Averagely, I change my hair color every 3 months. I have a base hair color of dark brown/ black brown (like every Asian) but I love the idea of having crazy hair colors to express myself.

First thing you need to know: It’s very hard to reach the bright color you desire with natural dark hair. I know not only me who has these problems with dark hair so I made this blog to share my experience with anyone interested. If you want to achieve any hair color you want, this is the blog for you!

There’s no schedule for my blog or at least I will try to figure out a proper one in the future. So subscribe me and you will be informed about new entry!

Disclaimer: I am not a professional hairdresser! All knowledge is gathered from people’s experience on the internet and my own experience. Please think carefully and follow safety instruction when working with dye chemicals. If you are not sure of what you should do, ask me and I will try to help or better, consult a professional hairdresser.

Enjoy your stay!

Love, Emily


3 responses »

  1. keep writting. your blog is very helpful and interesting ^3^
    from a vietnamese reader with love <3

  2. Hi Ban,
    Minh viet duoc tieng viet nhung ko danh duoc dau cho nen cho minh xin type bang tieng Anh cho de hieu ok hihi.

    I have asian dark brown/jet black hair but want something like thishttps://static.beeconomic.com.ph/69/80/1332300508069.jpg

    It’s a very light ash brown or almost a dark ash blonde. But how can I achieve this without having to bleach my hair. I don’t want to cause any hair damage. I heard we can use some purple color mix to cancel out the red ? Please give me some advice. Thank you so much :)

    • Hi Callie. Firstly, I want to clear somthing out for you: Purple is close to red (Purple= red +blue). Therefore, it does not use to clear out the reddish on your hair. You can use a bit of green (yellow+blue) to cancel out the redness. Anyway, I dont quite understand why it is related to your desired process.Now, before I say this, I have to say I am unfarmiliar to achieve natural colors. But I will give it a go. I will use this chart as reference https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f6/91/12/f69112c0bb5ca265716c9993c31defcc.png The color you want looks like 6N. With black/ dark hair, I would suggest take a lighter color in the same spectrum like 8N or a bit lighter 9A. The result might be a bit yellow-ish as a result when wash out hair pigment. Use purple toner and it should be neutralized. Again, this is only my guess. I am not guarantee for the result. Might be lighter or darker depends on your processing time and hair texture… Let me know if you decide to try. good luck.


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